Taiyo (Pharmaceuticals)
Taiyo Gmb: Established in 1946 in Japan, and today the headquarters in Germany, Taiyo offers a range of functional and healthy ingredients including soluble fiber, egg- and tea-based products, superfruit extracts, emulsifiers and stabilizers, such as Matcha powder, SunAmla, Sun Active, SunFiber, SunPhenon, Teavigo and SunTheanine.
The company is a leading supplier to the nutrition, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries and the products can be used in dietary supplements:
- Amla Berry Extracts
- Chia Oil
- Chia Protein
- Chia Seeds
- Cranberry Extracts
- Fibers
- Food Additives
- Green Coffee Powder
- Green Tea Extracts
- Instant Teas
- Iron Powder
- L-Theanine Powder
- Magnesium Powder
- Matcha Powder
- Microwave Dried Food Ingredients
- Moringa Seed Extracts
- Q10 Powder
- Zinc Powder
FGI is the exclusive distributor of Taiyo in the Middle East.